Our Blog

  • Itchy Eyes

    Itchy Eyes

    Itchy eyes can be annoying and frustrating. Whether it’s due to allergies, an illness or something else, it can be bothersome to say the least. Itchy eyes affect all of us from time to time. Usually it lasts only a few minutes and then goes away. But sometimes the itching ...

  • Understanding How Your Eyes Work

    Understanding How Your Eyes Work

    Your eye works in a similar way as a camera. When you look at an object, light reflected from the object enters the eyes through the pupil and is focused through the optical components within the eye. The front of the eye is made of the cornea, iris, pupil and ...

  • How to Detect a Torn or Detached Retina

    How to Detect a Torn or Detached Retina

    A retinal detachment occurs when the retina (a nerve layer that lines the back wall of the eye) separates from the back of the eye. It is usually due to a tear in the retina which can happen because of an inherent weakness, trauma or the vitreous gel pulling a ...

  • Glaucoma Care

    Glaucoma Care

    What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes vision loss in one or both eyes. Glaucoma is caused by fluid buildup behind the eye. This buildup puts pressure on your optic nerve and damages it. If damage to the optic nerve from high eye pressure continues, glaucoma will ...