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  • Who Does Eye Exams?

    Who Does Eye Exams?

    Even if you are not experiencing vision problems, it is important to get regular eye exams. Children and adults should regularly consult an eye care professional and have their vision checked in order to diagnose any vision related problems early and treat them effectively. If you are thinking about seeing ...

  • Lazy Eye Treatments

    Lazy Eye Treatments

    Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, occurs when there is a lack of vision in one eye because the eye and the brain are not working together. Amblyopia normally only affects one eye – resulting in the amblyopic eye pointing away from the other appearing “lazy.” A lazy eye may ...

  • Is Dry Eye Painful?

    Is Dry Eye Painful?

    Dry eye occurs when the quantity and/or quality of tears fails to keep the surface of the eye adequately lubricated. This condition is common, affecting millions of adults in the United States. The risk of developing dry eye increases with advancing age. Women have a higher prevalence of dry eye ...

  • How Long is it Safe to Wear Contact Lenses?

    How Long is it Safe to Wear Contact Lenses?

    How long do you wear your contact lenses before taking them out? One day? Two days? A week or more? You may be wondering how long is safe to wear contact lenses. Some contacts are made to be worn for an extended period of time. But it’s important to understand ...