The Rise of MADE or Mask-Associated Dry Eye We are all making adjustments in order to follow the new regulations and guidelines that are keeping us safe during the current pandemic. Depending on your existing health and what may have been required to keep you at peak performance pre-pandemic, following ...
Be Proactive to Protect Your Vision from Your Diabetes Patients with diabetes are much more likely to develop a blinding eye disease. Classic diseases for those who suffer from diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Recent studies have even exposed a low awareness of diabetes-related eye issues among ethnicities ...
October is Halloween Safety Month Going blind due to a Halloween costume accessory would be a real-life horror story. In hopes of avoiding this outcome, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is raising awareness against wearing costume contact lenses purchased without a prescription for the trick-or-treating community and beyond! These illegally ...