Our Blog

  • National Guide Dog Month

    National Guide Dog Month

    September is National Guide Dog Month The use of guide dogs to aid those who are visually impaired goes back a long time. A relationship between a dog and a blind person is depicted in a mural found in the ruins of an ancient Roman town. The mural is dated ...

  • Healthy Aging Month

    Healthy Aging Month

    September is Healthy Aging Month We don’t have to just let age happen to us. Instead, there are ways to be intentional when it comes to aging well. The month of September was designated as part of the Healthy Aging Month, a campaign to help us understand the benefits of ...

  • Is LASIK Surgery Permanent?

    Is LASIK Surgery Permanent?

    Mankind has dealt with poor vision for centuries and it’s hard to imagine how our ancestors coped if they became nearsighted or farsighted until the invention of glasses. In the 21st century we are fortunate that several options exist to correct vision – glasses, contact lenses, artificial lenses and of ...

  • Your Eyes May Play an Important Role in The Spread of Coronavirus

    Your Eyes May Play an Important Role in The Spread of Coronavirus

    With all the news about washing your hands, wearing masks, and not touching your face, you may not have heard how your eyes can be a gateway for contracting COVID-19. Mucous membranes are tissues that line many of the body’s cavities including your nostrils, mouth, and eyes. These membranes are ...