Our Blog

  • Eye Strain

    Eye Strain

    We can again thank the current pandemic for raising yet another health threat to our children. On top of the uptick in anxiety, depression, and other effects of social isolation, the increased use of screens has led to even more concerns when it comes to our children and eye strain. ...

  • Healthy Vision Month

    Healthy Vision Month

    Obviously there has been a big focus on maintaining our health over this past year which is why we are celebrating healthy vision month this May. With all of the ways we tend to think about keeping our immune system running at an optimal level, there is a chance we ...

  • North American Occupational Health and Safety Week

    North American Occupational Health and Safety Week

    The U. S. Department of Health & Human Services is concerned with the occupational health of our country’s workforce and they have good reason to be. The department has established the North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week—celebrated the first week in May every year. Thousands of organizations come ...

  • Women’s Eye Health

    Women’s Eye Health

    April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness month. Just take a look at any neighborhood playground and you can typically see a difference between how a father values safety versus a mother. Not to stereotype, but often you find dads encouraging kids to jump from great heights while moms ...