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Everything You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery

Everything You Need to Know About Cataract Surgery

As you age, there is a good chance that your eye doctor may tell you that you have cataracts. The key is to not panic and to educate yourself all about cataracts to ensure you’re informed when and if you do have to have surgery. At Palmetto Eye & Laser Center we’ve performed countless cataract surgeries and have put together a list of things to keep in mind when it comes to this common eye procedure and everything you need to know about cataract surgery.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is simply a clouding of the lens inside the eye, which causes vision loss that’s not able to be corrected with glasses, contacts or LASIK.

While cataract surgery may sound intimidating, it’s an extremely common procedure that can often restore the vision that was lost due to cataracts. The National Eye Institute found that more than 68% of Americans over the age of 80 had cataracts, which shows this eye condition is primarily found in older populations.

Cataract Surgery is Extremely Common 

More than 3 million cataract surgeries are completed each year in the US making it one of the most common and safest surgical procedures currently performed.

Before cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist and/or optometrist will perform a thorough eye exam to check the health of your eyes and to determine if you may have any risk factors that would prevent you from having the procedure.

During cataract surgery, the lens that is cloudy is removed and replaced with an artificial lens, to help improve your vision. Often cataract surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis and therefore does not require an overnight stay in a hospital.

Cataract Surgery Can Correct All Types of Vision Problems

There are a variety of artificial lens that can be used to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and a astigmatism as well. During your initial eye examination, your eye doctor will determine the curvature of your cornea and length of your eye to determine the most optimal artificial lens that you’ll need.

Recovery After Cataract Surgery

The cataract surgery itself typically only takes around 15 minutes. You will however need extra prep time and a brief post-operative evaluation where you’ll receive instructions on what to expect after you leave the eye center.

You should prepare to have someone else drive you home after your cataract surgery and do not attempt to drive on your own until after you have had a follow up appointment and are cleared to drive.

Expect to be prescribed eye drops to use several times per day for a few weeks following cataract surgery. You may experience some blurred vision and eye redness for a few days following the procedure.

Still Have Questions About Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is a wonderful option for many individuals who are experiencing vision problems due to cloudy lenses. If you’re experiencing cataract symptoms, feel free to give our team at Palmetto Eye & Laser Center a call today to setup an appointment with one of our experienced eye doctors. We can be reached in at 864-583-6381.

Read more about Cataract Surgery FAQ