Our Blog

  • The Effects of High Blood Pressure on Your Eyes

    The Effects of High Blood Pressure on Your Eyes

    High blood pressure can be very harmful to the body, causing heart and kidney problems among others. If untreated, high blood pressure can also affect your eyesight and lead to eye disease. High blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the retina. The retina is the layer of tissue at ...

  • Black Floating Spots in Vision

    Black Floating Spots in Vision

    If you notice small black floating spots drifting across your field of vision - known as eye floaters - you might be concerned. Most of the time, these tiny specks and squiggly strands are harmless, but they can occasionally be cause for concern. Here's what you need to know about ...

  • Winter Eye Protection

    Winter Eye Protection

    With winter just around the corner, it’s important to know how to protect your eyes during this season. When the days are cloudy and cold, sunglasses are probably the last thing on your mind. But winter eye protection can prevent painful temporary conditions and permanent eye damage. Did you know ...

  • Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Medical Campus

    Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Medical Campus

    Palmetto Eye & Laser Center is inviting the public to a Groundbreaking Ceremony to celebrate the first stages of development of their new Medical Campus. Monday, Dec. 4 4-5:30pm 1520 Boiling Springs Road Spartanburg, SC 29316 If you are unable to attend in person, you can also watch the ceremony ...