Our Blog

  • Keep Eyes Protected During Safe Toys and Celebrations Month this Holiday

    Keep Eyes Protected During Safe Toys and Celebrations Month this Holiday

    Did you know that toys are responsible for nearly 1 in 10 injuries to children’s eyes that require a trip to the emergency room? Every parent and childcare worker wants to do all they can to keep the kids in their care safe, and although accidents happen, there are some ...

  • Protect Your Vision from Your Diabetes

    Protect Your Vision from Your Diabetes

    Be Proactive to Protect Your Vision from Your Diabetes Patients with diabetes are much more likely to develop a blinding eye disease. Classic diseases for those who suffer from diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Recent studies have even exposed a low awareness of diabetes-related eye issues among ethnicities ...

  • Halloween Safety Month

    Halloween Safety Month

    October is Halloween Safety Month Going blind due to a Halloween costume accessory would be a real-life horror story. In hopes of avoiding this outcome, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is raising awareness against wearing costume contact lenses purchased without a prescription for the trick-or-treating community and beyond! These illegally ...

  • Healthy Aging Month

    Healthy Aging Month

    September is Healthy Aging Month We don’t have to just let age happen to us. Instead, there are ways to be intentional when it comes to aging well. The month of September was designated as part of the Healthy Aging Month, a campaign to help us understand the benefits of ...