October is Halloween Safety Month Going blind due to a Halloween costume accessory would be a real-life horror story. In hopes of avoiding this outcome, the American Academy of Ophthalmology is raising awareness against wearing costume contact lenses purchased without a prescription for the trick-or-treating community and beyond! These illegally ...
With all the news about washing your hands, wearing masks, and not touching your face, you may not have heard how your eyes can be a gateway for contracting COVID-19. Mucous membranes are tissues that line many of the body’s cavities including your nostrils, mouth, and eyes. These membranes are ...
August Is Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month “Don’t sit so close to the tv or you’ll go blind.” Who remembers this warning parents used to tell their children back in the day? While sitting too close to the television does not actually cause loss of vision, there was actually ...
July is UV safety month and about more than just fireworks and cookouts. The United States Department of Health and Human Services has also named July Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month. While Americans will spend hours applying sunscreen and picking out the perfect outerwear to protect skin from the sun’s harmful ...